THRC members and guests got together on Memorial Day to complete the Murph to honor the fallen heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. The Murph is a workout created in memory of Navy Lt. Michael Murphy who died in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005. It consists of a 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats and another 1 mile run. We hosted two Murph classes with almost 40 participants!
June Events at THRC

$25 entry
Members can sign up on the app! Non-members can call THRC to sign up
Members can sign up on the app! Non-members can call THRC to sign up

Can you complete the ACFT? The Army Combat Fitness Test is the physical requirement to ensure adequate fitness levels for combat.
The test is a mix of strength and endurance.
Join Aleesa and test your limits! Members can sign up on the app. Reservations required

Our Summer Group Fitness Schedule Starts June 5th!

Smoothie of the Month
Banana Creme
Receive $1 off when you order the smoothie of the month